








The following people and organisations are gratefully acknowledged for their assistance in creating and helping to distribute www.growingcapsicums.com.au -

Phuong Vo who has been an exemplary Champion Grower, both in his farming practice and his ability and patience for communicating the necessary details to me in a usable form and then reviewing my work.

Andrew Mathews, Phuong's neighbour, has been a valued second opinion as someone looking over Phuong's fence and dealing. As a comparable grower with similar issues and strategies, Andrew provided an important additional guarantee that the messages were on track.

Kaylee Maitland and Jessica Collins from Lavaworks for their exceptional skill and patience in developing a practical and professional looking web page with excellent graphic work .

I also wish to thank the following growers and other experts for their contributions and support:

> Hung Nguyen and Vyras Thac for their critical feedback
> Domenic Cavallaro for his invaluable review of various fact sheets requiring technical checking of agronomic information derived from the case study grower as interpreted by myself
> Trevor Linke for his excellent support to develop the central innovation in the project, the Cost-Benefit worksheets for linking practice change to production outcomes and economic value
> Nhieu Nguyen for providing his skills in translating some detailed documents to ensure they were clear and meaningful to Vietnamese growers
> Tony Fox AMLR NRM board for his various roles in supporting the project from featuring in a video clip to approving use of NRM resources and reviewing several fact sheets
> Noel Johnston for reviewing several fact sheets and kindly making available several resources from his professional stores
> Phil Barnett from Pro Ag Soil Management for making his grower fact sheets on managing salinity and soil types available and for reviewing the salinity fact sheet
> Jim Kelly (ARRIS) for permission to use the capsicum nutritional symptoms poster.

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